7.3. Building this documentation locally

This document describes how to build the OpenFAST documentation on your local machine. Documentation is automatically built and updated on readthedocs when new material is pushed to the github repo. However, while developing documentation, one should build locally to see changes quickly, and without the need to push your changes to see them on readthedocs.

The documentation is based on the use of Doxygen, Sphinx, and Doxylink. Therefore users will need to install these tools as well as several extensions of Sphinx that are utilized.

7.3.1. Install the Tools

Install CMake, Doxygen, Sphinx, Doxylink, and the extensions used. Doxygen uses the dot application installed with GraphViz. Sphinx uses a combination of extensions installed with pip install as well as some that come with OpenFAST located in the _extensions directory. Using Homebrew on Mac OS X, this would look something like:

brew install cmake
brew install python
brew install doxygen
brew install graphviz
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-doxylink
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

7.3.2. Run CMake Configure and Make the Docs

In the OpenFAST repository checkout, if it has not been created yet, create a build directory. Change to the build directory and run CMake with BUILD_DOCUMENTATION on. If all of the main tools are found successfully, CMake should configure with the ability to build the documentation. If Sphinx or Doxygen aren’t found, the configure will skip the documentation.

Issue the command make docs which should first build the Doxygen documentation and then the Sphinx documentation. If this completes successfully, the entry point to the documentation should be in build/docs/html/index.html.

For example, from the OpenFAST directory:

mkdir build
cd build
make docs

If you modify document source files in OpenFAST/docs/source, you can simply update the html files through another make docs in OpenFAST/build:

make docs

7.3.3. Documentation Output

After building the documentation, it can be access by opening the output in a browser. Open the high level html file generated at openfast/build/docs/html/index.html and begin using the page as any other web page.

7.3.4. Additional Build Targets

The html portion of the documentation can be built with make sphinx-html, and the output is available at openfast/build/docs/html/index.html.

If LaTeX is installed, a pdf version of the documentation can be built with make sphinx-pdf, and the output is available at openfast/build/docs/latex/Openfast.pdf.